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Sharks Quiz

Sharks have been feared and misunderstood throughout human history; only now are we beginning to understand the complex and important roles they play in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems. Found in seas and oceans all over the planet, sharks have incredible abilities and are worthy of our protection. What’s the world’s largest shark species? Which type of shark is capable of surviving in both fresh and saltwater environments? About how many teeth does a shark lose during its lifetime? These are just a few of the questions you’ll find yourself answering when you take this fun, slightly challenging sharks quiz. Designed to appeal not just to scuba divers but also to marine biology students, conservationists, and others who are interested in these amazing animals, this quiz contains 25 multiple choice questions that are certain to intrigue you while increasing your knowledge of sharks. 

Attempts allowed:Unlimited
Pass rate:60 %
Backwards navigation:Allowed
  • Marine Life
  • Anemones
Keywords: scuba quizzes, marine life, sharks Author:
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