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What type of statistics and reports will my company have access to?

Self-service and managed business plan subscribers will have access to the following statistics and reports:  

  • Today’s Sales
  • Yesterday’s Sales
  • Month-To-Date Sales
  • Yearly Sales
  • Customer Statistics including total revenue and average order
  • Customers By Revenue
  • Customers By Orders
  • Products By Revenue
  • Products By Quantity Sold
  • All Products including total quantity sold and revenue per product

You can view your company’s statistics and reports by following these steps: Login to your account and select the “My Account” link in the top right; once on your account page, select the “My Business Reports” tab.

  • Business Partners
  • Getting Started
Keywords: help, business accounts, business partners, getting started, business plans, business subscriptions, business plan features, marketplace reports, sales reports, sales activity reports Author:
Related Tags: Help