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How does my business obtain payment for marketplace orders?

You must use the customer contact and billing information from the marketplace order to arrange for payment with the customer; the payment methods accepted are determined by you and must be set upfront in your company's payment policies.

Follow these steps to setup payment policies for your business: Login to your account, click on the "My Account" link in the top right, then select the "My Business Listings" tab.  Select your business directory listing from the list of business listings.  Once you're on the business directory listing details page, click the "Edit" tab, scroll down to the company policies area and fill in your policies for payment, shipping, and returns, then click on the "Save" button.

  • Business Partners
  • Getting Started
Keywords: help, business accounts, business partners, getting started, business plans, business subscriptions, business plan features, scuba marketplace, marketplace orders, payment of marketplace orders, marketplace order payments Author:
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