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dive training

What is the hardest scuba skill you've had to master?

Clearing my mask
14% (3 votes)
Buddy breathing
23% (5 votes)
Controlled emergency swimming ascent
36% (8 votes)
Surface swimming in full kit
9% (2 votes)
18% (4 votes)
Total votes: 22
  • Dive Training
  • Dive Safety
Related Tags: Scuba Polls

Should divers be required to renew their certifications?

No, never
27% (7 votes)
Yes, but only if it’s been more than a year since the last dive
19% (5 votes)
Yes, but only if it’s been more than three years since the last dive
50% (13 votes)
Yes, but only if it’s been more than ten years since the last dive
4% (1 vote)
Total votes: 26
  • Dive Training
Related Tags: Scuba Polls


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