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Rebreather Training: Your Questions Answered

Rebreather diving is becoming more accessible and more popular. If you think you might like to be one of the first among your scuba friends to ditch the bubbles, enjoy longer dives, and take advantage of the many other benefits rebreather diving offers, you’re likely to have some questions. Here are quick answers to some of those we hear most frequently. 

What Does Rebreather Training Entail? 

Rebreather training courses cover a lot of ground. During your course you will learn dive planning, procedures, and organization, and you will get in-depth instruction on any potential problems or hazards known for the type of rebreather you are training on. 

Keep in mind that rebreather courses are model-specific, meaning they are tailored to the design, functions, features, accessories, proper use, and maintenance of the exact rebreather you are using. In addition to these specifics, you will receive instruction on diving physiology and physics applicable to rebreather diving. There’s a lot to learn, and while rebreather diving offers comfort and convenience, it also takes training and discipline. 

How Much Will I Spend on Rebreather Training? 

The cost of rebreather dive training courses varies from one place to the next, but in general, a rebreather training course could cost you as little as $500 or a bit more than $1000., depending on which rebreather you’re training for. Get a detailed breakdown of the cost of rebreather training from your instructor or training agency. 

How Long Does Rebreather Training Take to Complete?

Rebreather training is highly technical. There’s a lot you need to learn about how a rebreather works, plus you’re going to need to get some practice sessions in with an instructor before you can be certified. Expect to spend at least six days completing your rebreather course, including classroom time and several dives. The specific amount of training required will vary, depending on the rebreather system you are learning as well as on the training agency or instructor. 

How Long Will My Certification Last?

Once you’re certified on a rebreather, your certification lasts forever. There are no annual payments or other requirements to keep your certification up to date. At the same time, it’s important to note that if you go for a year or longer without diving on your rebreather, you ought to take a quick refresher. 

Where Can I Get Rebreather Training? 

If you happen to live in a community where diving is popular, you may be able to receive training at a local dive shop – perhaps the same one you patronize now. While rebreather training is becoming more accessible, it is altogether possible that you might have some difficulty finding a local shop that keeps a rebreather instructor on staff. You may need to travel outside your local area to receive instruction. 

To find rebreather training, look into offerings by training organizations that encourage rebreather diving. Some to consider include NAUI, TDI, PADI, GUE, and IANTD.

If you’re ready to ditch the heavy gear, spend hours underwater, get up close and personal with marine life, and enjoy more amazing underwater adventures than you ever dreamed possible, look into rebreather diving. Expect to pay a premium for gear and training; at the same time, expect that investment to pay off in incredibly rewarding ways.

  • Dive Training
  • Rebreather Diving Skills
Keywords: dive training, advanced diving skills, rebreather diving skills, rebreather diving, rebreather training, rebreather certification Author: Related Tags: Technical Articles