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Elasmobranchs Quiz

The elasmobranch family contains some of the most fascinating – and misunderstood – creatures known to humankind. Amazing to encounter while scuba diving, and fascinating to observe day and night, these marine animals have captivated our imaginations in a variety of ways. What type of skeleton does an elasmobranch have? What is a mermaid’s purse? What shape is an elasmobranch’s mouth, regardless of species? These are just a few of the questions you’ll answer when you take this fun elasmobranchs quiz. Designed for scuba divers, marine biology students, and others who take an active interest in marine life, it contains 25 multiple choice questions and is certain to pose a bit of a challenge while increasing your knowledge of elasmobranchs. 

Attempts allowed:Unlimited
Pass rate:60 %
Backwards navigation:Allowed
  • Marine Life
  • Elasmobranchs
Keywords: scuba quizzes, marine life, elasmobranchs Author:
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