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How can I get rid of intestinal gas safely while diving?

Any gastrointestinal conditions that enable air to become trapped in the gut are a contraindication to diving. Divers that do not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders may experience abdominal pain while ascending from a dive due to gas expansion in the intestines resulting from the diver swallowing air. Usually these gases work their way out of the system via the mouth or anus. Sometimes, however, the distention of the gut continues.  If this occurs while on a dive, the best way to relieve it is to descend a little and then re-ascend. You can avoid the problem by not diving with an upset stomach, avoiding foods that can cause gas, and by not swallowing air. 

  • Dive Medicine
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
Keywords: scuba diving faqs, dive medicine, gastrointestinal problems, intestinal gas, relieving intestinal gas Author:
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