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Vacationing In The Sunshine State: Florida Has Something For Everyone

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A group of cypress trees line the marsh land in the Florida Everglades providing a home to numerous animals and marine life

(Photo By U.S. National Park Service)


Florida is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.  While many visitors travel to ‘The Sunshine State’ in search of fun, sun and thrills such as those offered by Walt Disney World and other man-made attractions, there is much more to Florida than roller coasters and animated characters. Winding waterways, freshwater lakes, hills, forests, exciting cities, and more than 8,000 miles of coastline make this tropical-climate state one of the most popular in America.  Furthermore, its massive fish population, unique reefs, and shipwreck sites call out to divers from around the world that are easily accommodated by the dozens of dive centers and local diving resources.  


Florida is just one state in the United States; it is bordered by Alabama and Georgia on the north and by Alabama on the west.  Situated between the Atlantic Ocean, the Straits of Florida, and the Gulf of Mexico, it is relatively close to several countries in the Caribbean such as the Bahamas and Cuba.


The origin of the state name came from its Spanish influence, in which it was called “Pascua Florida” or The Flowering Easter.  The state has an interesting history that entangles Native American tribes, Spanish colonialists, and settlers from Europe.  Even today, Miami is the entry port for many immigrants into the United States.


Florida is the fourth largest U.S. state when ranked by population, with more than 13 million inhabitants.   Geographically, Florida boasts more than 13,000 km of coastline on two shores–the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.  In 1971, Florida became home to one of the largest resorts in the world, Walt Disney World Resort, which brought $14 million dollars in revenue to the state in its first year. This theme park has continued to grow throughout the last thirty years and has encouraged other developers to build many other attractions in Florida.

In addition to Walt Disney World Resort, the Orlando area is also home to Sea World, Cypress Gardens, and Universal Studios. In fact, Orlando is the most significant vacation location in Florida. With the popularity of boat cruises increasing, Florida waters have become a major location for people taking cruises, especially to the Caribbean. Today, tourism is the most important factor driving Florida's economy and the state’s greatest source of income, raking in about $40 million per year. About forty million people visit Florida each year.

  • North America
  • United States
  • Florida
Keywords: diving guides, north america dive travel, united states dive travel, us dive travel, florida dive travel, florida diving, florida keys diving, key largo diving, key west diving, dry tortugas diving, southwest florida diving, northeast florida diving, north central florida diving Author: Related Tags: Diving Guides